[Part of my continuing series on my day-to-day adventures during my trip to South Africa earlier this year. Full photos on my photo website]
Cosy Mountain B'n'B
Had a nice breakfast yesterday at Heidi van Niekerk's (at Kliprivier), sitting with 2 very English-sounding Joburghers. We then went to see the surprisingly very impressive Nieuwoudtville Waterfall then packed up the cottage and headed to the kokerboom forest a bit further down the road.
Our entrance ticket for the waterfall (all in Afrikaans... "Hantam Municipality. Waterfall admission ticket. Adults R4").
The reverse side of the waterfall ticket.
Jesse admiring a succulent plant near the Nieuwoudtville waterfall.
A kokerboom with the kokerboom "forest" in the back.
(The morning sun just rose over the mountain behind me and hit my back... my shadow is currently very long)... time for breakfast now.
[Later] ...Was a bit surprised to get charged R16 for "tea/coffee" in addition to the R900 we paid to stay and eat at Cosy Mountain... would have thought that would be included with dinner/breakfast. Oh well.
We met some nice people at both Cosy Mtn. (a couple from Joburg traveling with a couple from Hermanus) and at Kliprivier, over breakfast (a couple from Joburg). All retirement age... perhaps because we were there during the week? There was also a woman from London staying at Cosy Mountain... a bit strange. [She] was there to see Michell, the manager. Michell had previously been a home health care worker for her in London, when her husband had had a stroke and she'd had hip (and knee?) replacement. There was an assortment of dogs and cats there too--one of the dogs, Riley, is a cross Rhodesian Ridgeback and Border Collie. Odd combo! Michell's boyfriend (? "Ben-John") studies leopards in the nearby mountains and lives there too with his 20 y.o. big-haired assistant (who is doing her Master's year and finished matric [12th grade] at 15 y.o.... home schooled). They are doing research for the "Cape Leopard Trust" or something. Michell showed us photos from their camera "traps" yesterday--in addition to leopards, they've got photos of many other cool animals--aardvark, aardwolf, two kinds of foxes, etc. etc.
Me closing my eyes against the sun at Namaqua National Park (near Cosy Mountain), with a carpet of orange flowers in the background.
Flowers at Namaqua National Park, near Cosy Mountain.
We left Cosy Mountain and went to Goegap, where we had a quick walk around to admire the flowers and birds. Then we began the long drive to Upington, with a 30-minute stop at Augrabies Waterfall, and enjoyed white bread, cheese and Simba tomato chip sandwiches as I drove. [YUMMMY!]
Me in the shade of a Kokerboom at Goegap.
All the photos and ticket scans make this fun to read. I laughted at the 50c admission to the waterfall. The sandwich had the Simba chips inside it? Wouldn't you like to be in the shade of that Kokerboom right now? I would! The big picture of the Kraaifontein cottage is our wallpaper on the Mac. It makes a great background.
Yep--chips were IN the sandwich. Added a nice taste of tomatoes and salt) to the sandwich and also gave it a nice crunch. Yummy. I do wish we'd have more time at Goegap (with the Kokerboom), but we were somewhat rushed for the whole "adventure" part of the trip.
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